Sunday 1 April 2007

21 Irrefutable Laws of Relationship With Your Spouse. Rule No. 2: Law of Acceptance

Continuing on my post of 21 Irrefutable Laws of Relationship With Your Spouse, rule no. 2 is to accept your spouses as who they really are. Encourage their growth to be a better person, but do not try to change them into someone you want them to be.

Even though they do not see eyes to eyes on things with you, try to respect them and their decisions. Remember, things are not just white and black. There are always gray area. People do not have to be wrong to make you right.

Love them even though their secret identities are exposed...............for e.g. your girlfriend may not be as ladylike as she seems to be.

Sometimes, you will not get what they are thinking and why they are behaving in certain ways. Sometimes, you do not even need to understand in order to accept. Just accept them as who they long as their core values are still there (they are not inhuman or evil person)

That's all for today!
Do refer to my previous post on 21 Irrefutable Laws of Relationship With Your Spouse series. Hope I have more time to post on this topic more often. :)

Rule No. 1: Laws of True Self

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