Monday, 11 June 2007

Celebrate Agile Adoption?

Ryan blogged about when we should celebrate while in agile adoption.

Then you go agile and start shipping every six weeks or so. You deliver value on a regular cadence, respond quickly to your customers' needs and are suddenly nimble enough to leapfrog your competitors. But being agile has one Achilles' heel - it's hard to know when to celebrate.

When your team should celebrate its Agile success? I think every release, when it helps meet your corporate performance targets and when the market tells you. Don't miss an opportunity to celebrate. We're not. :)

And in my earlier post about Becoming a Good Leader , one of the rule is Leaders Celebrate!

Today, my CEO bought some cakes and called everybody in a stand-up meeting to tell them we are starting Agile adoption. Although more than half of the people in the room already knew that and half did not, it is still an small act of encouragement. And who can think about celebrating even before we achieve anything solid yet. My company leader did !!! :). And who would go around and call people pigs and chickens! (Okay, for those of you who do not know agile, it is not a rude gesture as pigs and chickens are the term used in Agile)

I think we are celebrating because we know we are heading somewhere good. We are celebrating because we are changing for the better.

Yes, we do celebrate!! And we will , with every success "stories" or "releases".

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